Monday, June 14, 2010

Explore Your Men Sensitive Body Parts

Discover the most sensitive part of man's body, which you did not know.
Be careful if you want to touch your man, because the areas that you touch could be a sensitive area that could get him excited.

Because, besides the area around Mr.P, there are many other sensitive areas that can make men desire quickly. As a warm-up phase, you can tease him by touching this sensitive area. Here are the location of sensitive point man who can improve a man's desire:

This is one symbol that shows a man's virility. Unfortunately, it rarely gets the attention. "Touching the jaw can make you aware that the man in front of you look so manly. Touching these parts can also increase his ego," says Barbara Keesling, PhD, the author of "Men In Bed '.
Chin area was not only make men look sexy, but this area is the gateway to the receptor enjoyment penghantar where his hair meets the skin. "Lightly and gently stroked it from concha to go down to the lower jaw can stimulate sensitive nerves in his face," says Ian Kerner, Ph.D., author of 'Passionista: The Empowered Woman's Guide To Pleasuring A Man'. Put your hand on his chin and stared at his eyes for a few seconds, before kissing her can also arouse passions.

There are two places in this section that may create a sensation. Just as the jaw, the upper arm is extra sensitive because of the hair follicle nerve packed, "said Kerner. In bagain under his arm, filled with tense muscles that can deliver stimuli.

Do not hesitate when you want to give gentle massage in this sensitive part. Besides can relieve stress, this section also touches can make addictive and takes you deeper into the atmosphere.

Some women really make this area a favorite colony. Touch could make him a little surprised, at the same time it make him fail to reduce your temptation.

"gently grabbed his legs and explore the entire surface can stimulate blood flow to the intimate parts," says Keesling.

"This area is usually ignored because he considers this area as a very sensitive area. But, in the world of massage parlors, this area really responsive," explains Kerner.

Meanwhile, Keesling recommends to calm the mind and begin to give gentle massage on the buttocks. Granted, he's going to touch your lulled.